Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Impulse

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
The blooming in the flower
The expression in the baby’s cry
The initiative in the thief
The greed in the money maker
The hunger for power in the despot

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
The voice in the paint
The praxis in the sculpture
The gravity in the river flow
The sun in the gust of wind
The primordial OM in the Sun’s Radiance

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
The attraction between planets
The renewal in Shiva’s destruction
The deep growl of the diesel train engine
The eye sensing the spectrum
The I’s limiting stranglehold

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
Jealousy & anger ruining relationships
The malice & rancor of belittling identities
The yearning for the beyond
The senses distracting
The spark rekindling togetherness

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
The impulse gathering strength
Barriers fading
Service beckoning
To seek success in the other
To relish the other’s delight

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
The very same Prana
In the urge for bodily Union
In the tasting of the tasty
In the doership of the act
In the creativity of art
In the ideation of the idea
In the drawing out of the I maker into the universal

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
Allah’s breath that Iblees failed to bow to
In the Thomist coprincipalship residing in every heart
In the Guru Granth Sahib’s antaryami
In Garuda’s hooked beek  devouring the coiled serpent
In the wisdom of the tathagatha
In the Nivritti of the saragna

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
The sole source manifest
The all mother express
As the soothing call of the koel
The pesky sting of the mosquito
The single monad diversify
The only root branch out
All beings propagate from the one

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
The all encompassing life force
Behind the land,
The mountains, rivers and forests
The flora and fauna
The perceived, the perceiver and the perception
The event, the circumstance, the context
Behind the hero, the villain
The crime; the virtue
A locus without centre
The same sovereign in every separate heart

Awake! Awake! Yes i am;
Joy “O” Joy  a joy To see
The question arising, Is this IT?
The observer observing?
The mere witness? The Sakshi?
The resounding answer
Yes this joy is the joy
Of the impulse gathering speed
The observer observing!

---Gnaneshwar B.Pettukola

Gita Today- A Modern View

B.G.1.46-Key take away: The enemies within the self have no doubt a kinship with ourselves; nevertheless they need to be vanquished without fear or favour

Gita Today- A Modern View

B.G.2.3-Key take away: The Collective Consciousness urges us to act as it is our true nature

B.G. 2.7-Key take away: Even in the worst adversity if our values are rightly imbued our inner voice will ensure that we seek the counsel of the collective consciousness with humble sincerity

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Gita Today- A Modern View
B.G.1.21&22: Key Take away
To position ourselves between the two armies of likes & dislikes within, is the higher intellect’s beckoning. One’s inability to do so can be overcome by appealing to the cosmic collective consciousness which is ever ready to oblige.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gita Today- A Modern View
B.G.1.1: Key Take away

We are choosing sides all the time. This addiction pertaining to things we see and feel is poisonous to our inner self. It blinds us to the truth. It degrades our soul. The key question is; “Can we be neutral to the thoughts that arise within?”

The blind king is a seperate entity distinct from Arjuna the protagonist. Hence our self-centredness is a separate entity distinct from us. An empowering principle indeed! That is; the awareness that it is distinct. I am not my ego!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Gita Today- A Modern View

B.G.1.1:  Key Take Away:

The probability of finding an answer to a question is inversely proportionate to the level of bias/prejudice we have in our view and directly proportionate to the sustained intensity with which we pursue the answer. The level of difficulty is completely irrelevant.